- Contains a blend of synthetic waxes and is one of FK’s premium mold release waxes.
- Proper application of this wax will result in a film that has high gloss and has resistance to intensive wear, heat and water.
- Good for up to 275º F or 135º C.
- True high-gloss paste wax.
- Withstands high-temperature exothermic reactions of resins and does multiple releases easily.
- Contains carnauba wax, synthetic waxes and high-temperature resistant resins for effective multiple releases of plastic parts through numerous cycles.
- Good for up to 230º F or 110º C.
- Buttery texture provides easy on/off applications.
- Sets up faster and harder and assures quick, clean releases without wax buildup or transfer.
- Recommended for the effective release of any FRP or cultured marble parts, polyesters, polyurethane, etc....
- As the name implies, designed to withstand higher temperatures and is harder than other waxes.
- Good for up to 275º F or 135º C.
- USAGE: Higher temperature exothermic reactions.
- Specially designed for use between multiple releases to relieve the wax build up and reduce surface tension in molds.
- Helps to prolong the life of multiple cycle releases.
- Solvents in the product liquefy the mold release waxes to form an even coat on the mold for easy de-molding.
- Specially designed to reduce the slip factor, which under some situations might allude to pre-release.
- In the event “pre-release” occurs on corners, wells and radiuses due to excessive exothermic heat generated by mass chopping over these areas due to repeated passes, apply #1006 as the last coat or last two coats over the application of #1000P prior to gel coat and lay up.
- Formulated so as to be brushed over gel coat before the final wax coat is applied without worrying about fish eye.
- Recommended to be applied to any mold surface, whole or partial, where brushing the gel coat on the mold is required.
- Can be used over #1000P as the final coat or used by itself when gel coating.
- Solvent-based mold cleaner for removing wax.
- Contains toluene and fortified with polymers.
- A much stronger cleaner than #69 that can be used for the clean-up of all types of molds prior to applying porosity sealing agents and mold release agents – wax-based or otherwise.
- Apply at least 2 coats of #135-80 for proper cleaning of molds and assured releases.
- Specially formulated for the Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Industry to clean molds and relieve the problems of wax build-up & over-spray from mold surfaces.
- Important mold release components of Hi-Low Temp 1000 series waxes are specially blended in this product to liquefy and remove most waxes from the molds.
- Can also be used as an inter-phase item for the wax system for prolonged releases and as a cleaner for sharper molds and parts.
- Please note #69 mold cleaner does not relieve Styrene burns.
- A polymer solution designed for efficient "sealing of porosity" in new and rejuvenated molds.
- Aids and assists the wax release agents to assure a clean and easy demolding.
- Heavy-duty (HD) cousin of FK’s #332: Hand or Spray Interphase Release Wax. Contains the same high-melt synthetic blend waxes incorporated into #1000P: Hi-Low Paste Wax and #1000L: Hi-Low Liquid Wax but the solvent systems have been changed to reduce viscosity and make the product sprayable.
- Field tested and fully embraced by all users because it gets the job done – especially for larger molds, panels and other large jobs that require excessive labor for application of paste or liquid waxes.
- Very easy application – just spray on, allow it to dry and then wipe lightly – quick and easy. Cuts your labor costs and increases your productivity.
- Can be mopped or wiped on. Reduces clean-up time and increases efficiency in production.
- Eliminates fire hazard by removing the use of paper.
- One gallon of #PB-1 will cover approximately 150-200 square feet on porous surface and up to 400 square feet on smooth non-porous surface.
- Recommend using three applications; Allow each coat to dry prior to applying the next coat – assuring proper coverage.cations; Allow each coat to dry prior to applying the next coat – assuring proper coverage.
A polymer-based release agent which has high heat stability. It’s polymers provide multiple releases and protection from high heat generated from accelerated exothermic reactions. It is specially designed for:
- Accelerated Exothermic Resins up to 400º F or 204º C
- Multiple Releases
- Compression Molding
- Vacuum Bagging
- Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
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- Formulated for cultured marble, granite and onyx manufacturers.
- Blend of synthetic waxes, polymers and resins for high-heat stability and multiple releases.
- Brush or wipe on three consecutive coats of #626, one coat at a time allowing each coat to dry before reapplying second and third coat to all hats, flanges, corners, edges and areas where a gloss is not required. Do not wipe. This builds a wax surface that will produce multiple releases and should require only periodic application unless area is marred when pulling a part. In this case, reapply #626 Polymer Hat Wax to affected area.
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- Formulated exclusively for the FRP, cultured marble and onyx manufacturers.
- Semi-viscous paste wax that may be brushed or wiped on.
- White in color so that it will not discolor.
- Also effective in release hats, flanges and back splashes.
- Synthetic, polymer resin based, low viscosity sealant that can be sprayed or wiped on the prepared mold.
- Highly recommended as a spray base mold release wax for all non-skid areas.
- Apply in the following manner:
- For High Shine: Spray on, allow it to dry and wipe off.
- For Dull Finish: Spray on, allow it to dry, wipe off surplus from only outside surfaces.
- On non-skid area, just apply but do not wipe.
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- Formulated specifically for FRP and cultured marble industries where a flange- or edge-wax is required to assist in the prompt and easy release of the part.
- Edge Wax is a semi-paste and it incorporates synthetic waxes into a system that forms a film that is virtually unbendable when applied as follows.
- Made with a heavy wax base.
- Fine polishing compound used for the final machine polishing and dressing of molds before sealing and waxing.
- Improves clarity and luster.
- Excellent for older parts where light buffing may be required.
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- A fine micro compound formulated to remove sandpaper marks and imperfections quickly and easily while leaving a high gloss and minimizing swirl problems.
- Easily removes 1500 grit sand marks with a 100% wool cutting pad and 2000 or finer grit with an aggressive foam pad.
- Can be applied to all painted or gel coat surfaces.
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- Fast cutting compound that can be applied by hand or machine.
- Recommended for rubbing out fine mold imperfections and fine or minor scratches.
- Removes and blends or does touch up of mold surfaces when removal of foreign matter is essential.
- Can also be used in heavy-duty work.
- Specially formulated for removal of wet or dry sanding marks, imperfections and other mild defects without scouring the gel coat.
- A fast cutting compound formulated with fine abrasives and silicates to remove fine to medium scratches and blemishes.
- Can be used on all gel coated surfaces as well as other mold materials.
- FK’s premium cleaner that incorporates glazing and spreading agents.
- Cleans deeper without any heavy abrasive action.
- Easily relieves buffer swirls, paint and gel burns; Smoothens and removes fine scratches and blemishes.
- Assures a deeper and cleaner finish on molds for sharp looking parts.
- Recommended for rubbing out slight imperfections in the mold or finished parts and for removal of oxidation and/or discoloration of older parts. It is comparable to Meguire #1 Compound.
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- Similar in hardness to #1000P. It is yellow in color and has a peculiar, turpentine smell.
- Comparable to Meguiar’s #8. Our extensive testing shows that you get equivalent or better release with #888 than with comparable Meguiar’s product.
- Good for up to 230º F or 120º C.
- This is one of our newer products and sample requests welcome.
It is recommended for the following types of urethane moldings:
- Elastomer Urethane
- Polyisocynate Component A
- Hydro-Resin Component B
- Urethane Foam
- Isocynate Component A (Diphenylmethone)
- Poly Component B (Polypreponal Glycol)
- Same usage as #135-80, but #80 is milder and contains no toluene or polymers.
- Specially formulated for cleaning Elastomer Resins (ER).
- Contains special surfactants that do not react with the resin that other cleaners might.
- Same as #69 but contains anti-static agent which helps to reduce dust and particle attraction to molds due to buildup of static charge.
- Specially formulated for the Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Industry to clean molds and relieve the problems of wax build-up & over-spray from mold surfaces.
- Important mold release components of Hi-Low Temp 1000 series waxes are specially blended in this product to liquefy and remove most waxes from the molds.
- Can also be used as an inter-phase item for the wax system for prolonged releases and as a cleaner for sharper molds and parts.
- Please note #69AS does not relieve Styrene burns.